Guage Domain Quality

Check the exact quality of domains to get the best possible deal for you whether buying or selling

Instantly Check Domains

Get the stats on all of your domain prospects immediately with no time delay between checked

No Monthly Charge

Unlike Moz and Majestics own APIs there is no monthly charge for the use of DomDetailer.

Credits Never Expire

Unlike the APIs it is based on the price for DomDetailer credits do not expire from month to month

DomDetailer Benefits

DomDetailer has many benefits over maintaining Moz and Majestic API accounts, the charts below outline some of the more major benefits:


  • Moz Link count, DA, PA, Trust and Rank
  • Majestic Link count, Ref. Domains, CF and TF
  • API credits do not expire
  • Budget Friendly
  • Comes w/ Free Windows Software

Best Value - Most Versatile

DomDetailer - A Domain traders's best friend

What is DomDetailer and how can it be used?

One of the hottest topics in SEO and Internet Marketing today is aged expired domains.

These aged domains are being used to build networks of private websites that create an authority network that can be used to improve the rankings of your own websites, sell links and guest posts on or even directly sell products from.

There is a seemingly endless supply of these domains out in the wild that can be easily found with expert software such as Domain Hunter Gatherer or found on domain auction websites. The trick is knowing what domains are worth spending money on and the only real way to do so is to check the basic stats of these domains.

In the past it used to be important to have both a Majestic and Moz account at a cost of around $150 +tax. Obviously this can be very costly, especially when starting out.

Now DomDetailer allows you to purchase only the credits you need so the costs of checking domains is directly related to the size of your business.

With DomDetailer you can get started for just $34 and best of all your credits do not expire as they do with Moz and Majestic, this $34 gets 5x more credits you would get from the $49 monthly Majestic account with Moz stats included with no API throttling at all.

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